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Cell migration plays an essential role in a wide variety of physiological and pathological processes. In this paper we numerically discuss the properties of an anisotropic persistent random walk (APRW) model, in which two different and independent persistent times are assumed for cell migrations in the x- and y-axis directions. An intrinsic orthogonal coordinates with the primary and non-primary directions can be defined for each migration trajectory based on the singular vector decomposition method. Our simulation results show that the decay time of single exponential distribution of velocity auto-correlation function (VACF) in the primary direction is actually the large persistent time of the APRW model, and the small decay time of double exponential VACF in the non-primary direction equals the small persistent time of the APRW model. Thus, we propose that the two persistent times of anisotropic migration of cells can be properly estimated by discussing the VACFs of trajectory projected to the primary and non-primary directions.
Cell migration plays an essential role in a wide variety of physiological and pathological processes, including embryogenesis, nervous development, wounding healing, inflammation, metastasis and immune reactions.[1] Regulated by complex cellular signaling pathways, cell migration is critical and indispensable for the normal development of organs and tissues.[2–4] The onset of migration in a mature organism is often associated with some human diseases, such as cancer.[5]
As an important biological behavior, cell motility has also attracted much attention of biophysics for a long time.[6] The migration of cells can be simply treated as a persistent random walk (PRW). The phenomenon of random walk has been studied in statistical physics since the beginning of last century. The PRW of cells can be phenomenologically described by the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) process with the following Langevin equation for velocity vector
With only two parameters, i.e, diffusion coefficient D and persistence time τ in Eq. (
In addition to the simple PRW model, there are various cell types modulated by different migration signaling pathways in different complex cellular environments.[1] Thus, researchers have found experimentally that many cells exhibit more complex migration properties which conflict with the prediction of simple PRW model. Unlike the normal diffusion, the anomalous diffusion movement has been observed in some cell types. Regulated by chemokine CXCL10, CD8+ T-cell behavior is similar to a generalized Lévy walk in order to find rare targets in an optimal strategy.[8] An exponential distribution of velocity has been found in the study of long-term cell migration in low-density monolayer cultures,[9] and the Tsallis’ distribution of velocity has been observed for endodermal hydra cells in cellular aggregates.[10] The motility of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts cell types presents a double-exponential decay for the velocity ACF (VACF).[11] Recent experiments reveal that the complex three-dimensional (3D) environments can cause more interesting behaviors of cell migration.[12] The metastatic breast cancer cells invade a 3D collagen matrix in a cooperative manner by exchanging leaders in the invading front.[13,14] It has been shown that the migration of fibrosarcoma cells in 3D extracellular collagen matrices is anisotropic, generating an anisotropic velocity field.[15,16]
As a result, different models have been proposed to explain different migration behaviors of cells.[17,18] Some models in fact are the modified PRW models,[11,15,16,19] but more models are quite different from PRW model.[9,14,17,18,20–23] Among these models, by incorporating anisotropic space into the PRW model, an anisotropic PRW (APRW) model has been recently proposed to describe the migration of cells in 3D collagen matrix.[15] Compared with other migration models, the APRW model is still simple enough, because it just considers two different persistent times and two different diffusion coefficients in migration directions of x axis and y axis. The APRW model predicts a double-exponential ACF of velocity, anisotropic velocity profile and anisotropic distribution of angular displacement, which can adequately explain the behaviors of 3D cell motility over a wide range of matrix densities.[15,16]
Although the APRW model has been proposed to simulate the cell migration in 3D collagen matrix, the full characterization of VACF has not yet been presented for APRW model. Importantly, it remains unclear if one can, based on the trajectories of mobile cells, quantitatively derive the two persistence times of random walk, which can reflect the anisotropy of cell migration. In the paper, we numerically discuss APRW model in detail. Our simulation results show that one can obtain the two persistent times by discussing the VACFs of trajectory velocity.
In APRW model, the migration cells have different persistent times
It has been shown that there should be a relationship between the cell persistent time and mobile speed.[24,25] However, for simplicity we assume
For comparison, we first plot 1000 trajectories for PRW model with
With the trajectory

Now we discuss the VACF of APRW model, which is defined by the following equation[21]
In Eq. (
In Fig.
This discussion indicates that the two persistent times of APRW model can be simply obtained by discussing the VACFs in x and y components, respectively. But such a calculation requires a prior knowledge of the directions of Px and Py, which have been set to be along the x and y axes in our simulation. However, the directions of Px and Py of migration trajectories of cells in biological experiment are actually unknown, causing such a scheme practically useless.
It has been suggested that the primary direction
As examples, the trajectories generated by the PRW and APRW models, as well as the correpsonding primary directions
For a better illustration of the effect of local anisotropy on velocity magnitude, the relationship between velocity magnitude and orientation angle is drawn in the orthogonal coordinates in Fig.
For an ellipse distribution of the velocity magnitude in polar coordinate, the semi-major and semi-minor axes of ellipse can be obtained from the primary and non-primary directions, respectively. In Fig.

With the primary and non-primary components serving as the intrinsic orthogonal coordinates for individual trajectories, all the velocity vectors with time can be projected to
Thus, we use
In order to describe the cell migration in 3D collagen matrix, an anisotropic persistent random walk model is suggested.[15,16] Compared with the classic PRW model, the APRW model contains some different assumptions in order to consider two different and independent persistent times and mobile speeds for cell migration in the x and y axes, respectively. Because the dynamical behaviors of APRW model have not yet been systematically investigated, we carry out the numerical simulation to discuss the various properties of APRW model in detail.
An important question with APRW model is whether the basic parameters of two persistence times along the x and y axes can be properly calculated only by discussing the migration trajectories. We show that if a prior knowledge of the directions of Px and Py is given, one can directly project the migration velocities of cells into such orthogonal coordinates. Then the VACFs on the two axes of such orthogonal coordinates will simply exhibit a distribution of single exponential decay, with the decay times exactly equal to Px and Py. However, such a scheme is practically useless, because one could not have a prior knowledge of the directions of Px and Py in biological experiment.
The only information one has in experiment is the trajectories of migration cells. For each trajectory, one can define the primary and non-primary directions by velocity matrix based on the singular vector decomposition method. As a result, the intrinsic orthogonal coordinates of the primary and non-primary directions can be obtained for each trajectory. The anisotropic migration behaviors, including ellipse distribution of velocity magnitude at polar plot, can be discussed according to the intrinsic orthogonal coordinates.
By projecting the migration velocity to the intrinsic orthogonal coordinate, the VACF at primary direction typically exhibits a single exponential decay, while the VACF at non-primary direction shows a distribution of double exponential decay. Importantly, our simulation results show that the decay time of single exponential VACF in the primary direction equals the large persistent time of the APRW model, and the small decay time of double exponential VACF in the non-primary direction equals the small persistent time of the APRW model.
In experiment, the double exponential VACFs are observed with anisotropic migrations for various cell types. Our work indicates that the two persistent times of the biological trajectory of cell migration can be properly estimated by discussing the VACFs of trajectory velocities projected to the intrinsic orthogonal coordinates of the primary and non-primary directions. The information of two persistent times will quantitatively reveal how anisotropic the cell migration is, which may be caused by anisotropic environment.
In our model, the cell migrates only with different persistent times of Px and Py along the x and y axis, but with the same mobile speeds along the x and y axes, i.e,
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